Rain and the wet, muddy conditions that accompany it can have a huge impact on the state of the portable toilets at your outdoor event. This is especially true for festivals or athletic events like races, where the participants will tramp about in the mud as opposed to staying mostly dry beneath tents. Knowing how to keep your toilet rentals clean and functional in these conditions is a must.
Location and Needs Portable Toilets
Location matters, particularly if high winds are a concern. Fortunately, several strategies are available that can help protect the toilets from the elements.
Look for Shelter
Do not place the toilets out in the open if you expect wind or lots of rain. Instead, opt for a hard surface, such as a paved area, near a natural windbreak like a building or fence. The hard surface keeps the toilet out of the mud, which means the toilet is more stable as well as more likely to stay clean. A windbreak helps prevent it from blowing over.
Provide Protection
The toilet must be protected from wind and rain, even if you do not have a sheltered spot. Stakes are an option for most styles of portable toilet. Request to stake the toilet down if you expect high winds or if you must place the toilet in an exposed area. While the stakes provide stability, an awning over the top of the toilets can provide shelter while still allowing air circulation around the toilets.
You can add accessories onto your rental to make it more weather-resistant as well as more comfortable for those attending your event.
If you have access to electricity at your event, heating is a great way to counteract weather issues. Cold and damp can lead to an uncomfortable experience. Fortunately, you can rent heated toilets. In addition to making the toilet more comfortable for event-goers, the heat also keeps air circulating and help dry out the interior of the toilet. You will need access to electricity or a generator to run the heat, though.
Drainage Mats
Many rental companies have special step platforms you can add to the rental. These are slightly elevated steps that have a grid on top to allow the mud and water from event-goers’ shoes to drain through the steps. The result is that less mud and water goes into the toilet cubicle. The drainage mats do require regular rinsing so mud does not cake on the surface.
Regular maintenance is a must in inclement conditions; otherwise, mud and water will quickly render the toilet unusable.
Set a Schedule
Plan to check on restroom conditions often during wet weather. Create a staff restroom inspection schedule to make this simple.
A spray vacuum makes this job simple. The device first sprays a disinfectant on all surfaces, which is then followed by a water rinse. Finally, the vacuum sucks up the additional water. Follow with a dry wipe down to remove the remaining moisture, since the toilet may not dry out on its own during damp weather.
Increase Pumpings
If freezing is a concern, you may want to empty the toilets more often. The tanks of most portable toilets contain a combination of biocides, dyes, and fragrances that work to keep down odors and prevent dangerous bacterial growth. In cold weather, you can also add antifreeze agents to the tank.
Even with the addition of antifreeze, schedule frequent pumping to empty the tanks to help minimize the chances of the toilet tank freezing during inclement weather.
Contact us to learn more about renting portable toilets for your event. We look forward to speaking with you.